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What’s the Easiest Way to Pack for a Move?

If the thought of packing up everything you own seems daunting, you’re not alone. However, as packing professionals, we’ve learned a few great tips that can make the process smooth and hassle-free.

Follow this simple guide as you start packing for your move, and you’ll be surprised by just how easy it can be.

1. Start by De-cluttering

One of the most important packing tips is not to take anything you don’t need! Before you pack anything, take an inventory of what you own and decide what you can get rid of. Sell it, donate it, or throw it away. This will save you both time and money as you prepare for your move.

2. Pack for an Hour a Day

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when packing for a move. As a result, many people end up putting it off until the last minute. Don’t make this mistake! Instead, set a timer for one hour each day and commit to doing a little bit at a time. Trust us, your future self will thank you!

3. Start with Non-Essentials

If you’re not sure where to start, take a look in your basement, garage, attic, and closets. Begin packing up items you know you’re not going to use – like holiday decorations and off-season clothing and equipment. When packing your boxes, try to combine them by room and by function. For example, pack your kitchen supplies together in one box.

4. Label Like a Pro

Labeling your boxes is another critical part of preparing for a successful move. Make sure you label each box by the room it will go in and make a list of what’s inside. This may seem like an unnecessary step right now, but when it’s time to start unpacking, you’ll be glad you did it!

5. Keep Things Simple

People often make packing for a move more complicated than it should be. For example, did you know you don’t need to empty out your dresser drawers? Instead, leave the items in there and secure them by wrapping the entire drawer in plastic wrap. You can also leave your clothes on the hangers and hang them in a wardrobe box or wrap them in trash bags.

6. Repurpose as You Pack

The last pro packing tip is to repurpose your items whenever you can. Use your towels, linens, and other soft items to wrap breakables and provide extra cushioning in your boxes. You can also place small items, like spices and kitchen gadgets, inside pots and pans.

If you have rolling suitcases, fil them up with heavy items. The wheels will make them easy to move and taking this step will also save you some space.

Turn to the Packing Pros!

Follow the tips above to make packing a breeze. If you still feel overwhelmed or crunched for time, don’t worry! Our experts will pack your items for you, move them safely and securely to your new location, and even unpack them once we arrive.

Contact us today to learn more!